I found this book tag over at Between the Shelves and thought I'd give it a try! It was created by Pampered Pages and was a lot of fun for me to do, because it's not only about books but about holiday-related goodies and romance, too. Enjoy!
ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ
What is your favorite Valentine’s Day-themed candy?

I'm partial to Sweethearts because of the little messages on them. They were always fun to get when I was in elementary and middle school. I probably ate them in high school, too. It's been many, many years since I ate them, but I always favored the purple and orange hearts the best.
Do you enjoy reading romance?

I've only read a couple books in the romance genre and they were mostly historicals by Kathleen Woodiwiss and Eloisa James. My goal is to read more romance, actually, to study it in order to improve writing my own romance scenes in my books. I like it when there's love in all stories regardless of genre, and have a particular weakness for romance in fantasy. So while I can't say I read romance the genre, I do read romantic stories, and I like them.
Do you tend to read romance books throughout the Valentine’s Day season?
I don't really choose to theme out my reading for February or Valentine's Day. If there's a romance in the book I'm reading, it's because it happens to be there, but it's not like I actively go out and seek romance novels to read for the holiday.
Your fictional sweetheart shows up at your door with a Valentine’s Day gift. What is it?

My fictional sweetheart Nathaniel Thorn shows up at my door with a beautiful white cat named Silas, and I smile, knowing that what I'm getting is more than just a cat. (Read Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson to see what I mean!)
How many romance books do you have that are written by the same author?

I have two books written by Kathleen Woodiwiss, A Rose in Winter and Shanna. A Rose in Winter is the first romance I ever read, and I "secretly" read it when I was like 14 (the book belonged to my mom and I "borrowed" it). I purchased it in 2021 as a nostalgia trip and also picked up Shanna for $1.99 because it was on sale and I thought, why not? I wanted to research romance and...found out these books are definitely a relic of their age. They are still well-written, but they do things like head-hop with POV every few sentences, and the romances in both books are quite problematic.
What is a romance book that made you cry?

I don't actually cry at books (movies and TV are another story) but I will admit that back when John Green's The Fault in Our Stars came out (maybe 10 years ago?), I read it to see what the hype was, and boy, I did not expect to bawl my eyes out like I did when I read that book. Nothing has made me cry since.
If you could choose any place (fictional or real) to escape to for a Valentine’s Day date with your sweetheart, where would you like to go?

I'd like to go to The Cloisters. It's been a long time since I've been to this museum (maybe 11 years?) and it's my favorite. I would love to geek out with a date there.
DISTANCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER: What anticipated book release do you know in your heart you will absolutely love?

I'm really excited for A Far Wilder Magic by Alison Saft. I've preordered the book and am counting down the months until it releases. It's being hailed as a romantic YA fantasy with "a world of crumbling manors and ancient forests." That aesthetic alone has me sold on it.
Do you have any favorite love-themed quotes from any of the books you have read?

“In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
This is Mr. Darcy declaring his love to Elizabeth in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. *swoons*
ALL’S FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR: Do you have more books with red or pink spines?
What a random thing to ask! Red wins! I don't have a lot of it, but it beats out pink because I only have one pink book in my possession!
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As always readers, I'm tagging you! Answer this on your own blog (be sure to link to it in my comments) or take some time down below to answer some of these questions. I'm looking forward to your answers. Have fun with this!