I found this post via Whispering Stories who in turn got it from A Curly Sue's Ramblings. It's all about the favorites when it comes to books, and some other things, too! As my brain slowly runs out of blog ideas, book tags always come to the rescue. I hope you have fun with this!
Make sure you thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their blog. [I sort of did this above.]
Answer all of the following questions. [Yep!]
Include the blog tag graphic and these rules on your post. {Couldn't find the original graphic so I made my own.]
Nominate 3 or more bloggers at the bottom of your post, including their name and their blog’s link. [Gonna pass, unless you'd like to do this on your own blog or social media!]
What are 1-3 of your favorite books of all time?

Sorcery of Thorns, A Curse So Dark and Lonely, and The Cruel Prince. These were the very first books to pop into my head, so it must mean I love them very much. But of course, this is subject to change because I read so frequently!
What are 1-3 of your favorite authors of all time?
Juliet Marillier
Margaret Rogerson
Holly Black
This has changed over the years and will likely change again. I also love Cecilia Dart-Thornton, N. K. Jemisin, Alix E. Harrow, Brigid Kemmerer, and others.
Who is your favorite female character from a book?

I really enjoyed Zinnia Gray in Alix E. Harrow's Fractured Fables series (A Spindle Splintered; A Mirror Mended). I don't know if she's my favorite but she's the first person who popped into my head as someone I liked.
Who is your favorite male character from a book?

Nathaniel Thorn from Sorcery of Thorns. This one's my favorite without hesitation.
What's your favorite fictional world?

I always wanted to visit Narnia, ever since I was a little girl!
What book has your favorite cover?

I just think this cover art is gorgeous. It was created by Sija Hong.
What's your favorite book-to-movie-adaptation?

The entire Lord of the Rings trilogy directed by Peter Jackson is an all-time favorite. It still holds up to this day.
If you could make any book into a movie, which would it be?

Yeah, this is a selfish answer. But I'd love my book Son of the Siren to be made into an animated film by Japanese studio Kyoto Animation. I'd like both a Japanese-dubbed and English-dubbed version. It would be a dream come true.
What was your favorite childhood book?

This book, and its illustrations, scared the crap out of me as a child, and I absolutely loved it. I devoured the entire series of books.
Fantasy or Sci-Fi or neither?
While I read both, I read sci-fi less, and will always choose fantasy over the two.