This continues to be a tradition on this blog, a reflection of the past and an introspective look at the future. Though I can't predict what will happen, it's nice to imagine where I could be.
What would you try if you knew you could not fail?
I'm kind of a curmudgeon and not really interested in trying anything new because it's the stuff I used to do that I'd like to get into again. If I couldn't fail, it would be writing a novel draft very quickly and plotting the next two books in full.
What would you like to be your biggest triumph by the end of the year?
Having a completed version of The Name and the Key.
What advice would you like to give yourself as you begin the New Year?
Please take better care of yourself.
What would you be most happy about completing?
The book! Any book, to be honest!
What major indulgence are you willing to experience?
This question is hard for me to answer, because my brain is partially like, What does this mean? I've been operating on trying to fill the hole in my heart/brain/emotions by indulging in shopping, so I kind of already experienced a major indulgence (my biggest one probably being this Hua Cheng figure). If I were to experience a new one in 2025...it would either be going to Animate or getting a Xie Lian figure.
What would you most like to change about yourself?
I'm just so freaking unhealthy right now. The biggest issue is having no energy or motivation to do anything. If I could just get back into walking, then that will turn into hiking...I need to get started moving around again.
What do you think your biggest risk will be?
Honestly, I think it's risky writing a book. You can invest all this time in it and it might not be good enough, or I could work and work and work on it, and my agent could pass on representing it. I know I've taken a huge risk by stopping writing in 2024 due to my health, and now I need to take the risk of writing consistently and finishing my work.
What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do more of that?
Reading BL makes me happy. I will probably continue to blow income on reading BL, whether I get it in English or Japanese. I have kept my Amazon Japan account open just so I can keep reading my favorite manga authors who aren't being translated into English. (We really need translated versions of Wataru Nagi's work!).
What is one change you could make to your lifestyle that would give you more peace?
Going into forests. I did this all the time in Japan and it brought me peace. I don't know why I stopped once I got to Ohio.
At the end of the year, how would you like your life to be transformed?
It's asking a lot: I'd like to be healthier and have a book finished to go on sub. Both would completely transform my life.