What area of your life do you tend to enjoy in excess instead of moderation?
I'm not sure about the area of my life specifically, but in terms of what I enjoy in excess, it would have to be books. I have 4,288 eBooks on my Kindle Fire (all English books). I have 663 eBooks on my Kindle Colorsoft (all Japanese books). I did a purge of physical books about a year ago and have been slowly replacing them, but I have no idea how many of those I have.
I'm far more careful about buying physical copies nowadays--I tend to read as an eBook first, and if it's a keeper, I get the copy. But on the other hand, I'm blowing money left and right on eBooks. Curse those $1.99 eBook sales!
Anyway, I don't think my excessive love for my excessive amount of books is going to go away any time soon...I just need to practice the art of moderation.